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Fife young people visit Scottish parliament to ensure their voice is listened to in future policy and law-making

Gary Seath 2 years ago

Forces Life Media

Young people visited the Scottish Parliament to meet Deputy Presiding Officer, Annabelle Ewing MSP earlier this month, to share their unique lived experiences as young carers from armed forces and veteran families in Fife.

The visit proved an important first step to ensuring elected representatives hear directly from this group of young people to better understand their lived experiences, their unique support needs, and the importance of their voice being heard in future policymaking.

The young people talked about working directly with the charity to launch their Ignite Project, which involved a poster/social media-led campaign to raise awareness and encourage peers with caring responsibilities to seek support in Fife Schools.

The visit provided an opportunity to share unique challenges faced by armed forces and veteran families, such as coping with parental deployment, caring for parents living with life-changing physical and psychological wounds, and much more.

Having described unique challenges faced, attention turned to the positive impact of support they had received from Forces Children Scotland, which included participation in projects, mental health and wellbeing support and receiving financial grants.

Annabelle Ewing MSP said:

“It was a real pleasure to meet with young people from armed forces and veteran families from Fife, who had a lot to say about their lived experiences and aspirations, making it clear to me how important it is to ensure that they get the support that they need. It is therefore vital that policymakers listen to their voices and I commend the work that this group does to that end.”

Forces Children Scotland’s Deputy CEO & Policy Lead, Carly Elliott, said:

“Many children and young people have told Forces Children Scotland that they feel their voice is seldom-heard in policymaking. That’s why it is critical that elected representatives take the time to listen to this group and we are thankful to Annabelle Ewing MSP for this meeting. We look forward to amplifying their lived experiences further, ensuring Scotland lives up to its ambition to become a leader in the protection of the human rights of all children.”



Notes to Editors

For more information about Forces Children Scotland please contact Gary Seath,

Marketing, Communications, and Development Manager: (

About Forces Children Scotland
  • Forces Children Scotland was founded in 1815 and works directly with children and young people from serving, reservist, and veteran families across Scotland.
  • Today, the charity works directly with children and young people from armed forces and veteran families to co-produce projects, services and campaigns to overcome unique challenges to mental health and wellbeing, education, and learning, important transitions, and much more.
  • The charity delivers life-changing experiences to develop new skills, build confidence and forge new friendships through a sense of belonging and shared experience and provides financial support when it matters most to families living in financial crisis, as well as young people caring for loved ones and we help students to realise their potential at college or university.

Website: Children & Young People – Forces Children Scotland

Twitter: Forces Children Scotland (@ForcesChildScot) / Twitter