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Welcome to the team | Judith Blair

Gary Seath 12 months ago

Education Support Media

Introducing our new Learning and Development Worker, Judith Blair.

Judith will lead the rollout of our new learning offer for educators and professionals to enhance their understanding of forces life.

Better still, it will provide a guide to adopting a children’s rights approach to meeting the education and learning support needs of pupils from armed forces communities.

To get to know Judith a little better, we asked her to answer a couple of questions as she settles into her new role.

What inspired you to apply for this role with Forces Children Scotland?

“I was motivated to apply for the role of Learning and Development worker so that I could advocate, inform, and educate professionals about the lived experiences of forces children across Scotland.

“The charity’s unique process of co-production allows their approach to influencing to be designed in a way that balances the lived experience and creativity of children and young people with the expertise and obvious passion of their staff – this inspired me to become part of this great team.”

What will you bring to the role in terms of knowledge, skills, and experience?

“I have over nine years’ primary teaching experience across Scotland and Northern Ireland, and experience of supporting children with the unique pressures of life in a military family.

“As an educator, I have been involved in creating innovative resources, and implementing them to support learners and their families.

“My experience from teaching a diverse range of children, including those from Armed Forces backgrounds, will help me further the charity’s commitment to helping all forces children thrive.”

What are you looking forward to most regarding your new role?

“The main thing I am looking forward to is working directly with children and young people and listening to their ideas!

“I am passionate about educating professionals through modelling strategies and resources, enabling me to advocate for the lived experiences of forces children.”


Having lived experience of life in a forces family will prove a major advantage in helping educators and professionals to enhance understanding and empathy?

“Having had various house moves across the UK, I have met and engaged with the military community in a variety of different settings.

“Throughout this time, I was often a single parent whilst my husband was deployed or working away. So, I am acutely aware of the importance of support networks; engaging with the military community was like having a second family whilst my husband was deployed.

“I have always liaised with the military community and have cultivated many meaningful friendships. Having first- hand experience of the unique challenges that forces children face, I am very well placed and keen to use my skills and personal experience to help ease transitions and assist educators to develop new learning activities and outcomes.”


How are things going so far – How are you settling in?

“So far, it has been fantastic to meet the team and some of the young people that work with Forces Children Scotland. I am excited about promoting and extending our current Learning offer to all professionals across Scotland!”


Want to know more about our learning offer for educators and professionals?

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