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Katie joins the team at Forces Children Scotland

Gary Seath 2 years ago


We are delighted to introduce Katie Westwood as our new Learning and Development Worker for Forces Children Scotland.

Katie will support pupils from armed forces & veteran families to overcome unique challenges faced to education and learning, as well as co-develop campaigns that help educators and professionals to better understand the lives they lead.

We managed to grab a little time with Katie earlier this week to learn more about the knowledge, skills, and experiences she brings to the role.

What inspired you to apply for this role with Forces Children Scotland?

“I was inspired to apply for the role learning and development worker as I was excited about the opportunity to work alongside children and youth to help in closing a gap of knowledge of the lived experiences of forces children.

“The operational plan at Forces Children Scotland is extremely exciting to be a part of, as we work towards co-producing more resources with young people. I feel with my background in teaching and participatory work I can add value to the team moving forward.”

What will you bring to the role in terms of knowledge, skills, and experience?

“I have 10 years of learning alongside children and youth, in both an academic setting and, in the field, where I developed my tremendous passion for children’s rights. Working alongside children and youth I have ample experience in creating a space for various perspectives to collaborate and to co-create a climate for inspiring change.

“My grandfather was in the military, and through discussions with my father who grew up in Germany and Canada, I learnt that he experienced prolonged periods away from his father. He has spoken about some of the difficulties and positive opportunities this environment created.  Hopefully the work we are carrying out at Forces Children Scotland can make these transitions easier for future generations.”

What are you looking forward to most regarding your new role?

“I’m extremely excited to be working alongside brilliant team members who are exceptionally passionate, kind and welcoming. I’m excited to close gaps of understanding, specifically by amplifying the lived experiences of forces children, as this is necessary to create impactful and meaningful change.”

Are you an educator or professional, who would like to know how to better meet the unique educational support needs of children and young people from armed forces and veteran families?
Contact Katie