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Forces Children Scotland call on military children to get involved

Gary Seath 8 months ago

Forces Life Media

Military children encouraged to share personal stories for Month of the Military Child Campaign

Children from armed forces communities have been asked to share their personal stories with the charity, Forces Children Scotland.

Their stories will be shared during Month of the Military Child in April to help civilian peers, educators, professionals and decision-makers to better understand the lives they lead.

Month of the Military Child began in the United States in the nineteen-eighties. The initiative has gained momentum within the United Kingdom in recent years.

The campaign raises awareness of the unique experiences of military children. It highlights ways life proves different, and how it can impact abilities to realise potential and thrive, compared to civilian peers.

There are over 12,500 children from armed forces communities presently living in Scotland. Over 5,312 have a parent serving as a regular or reservist in the Navy, Royal Marines, Army, or Royal Air Force.

Children from armed forces families are encouraged to share their personal stories during Month of the Military Child to help civilian audiences enhance empathy and understanding regarding the lives they lead.

How military children can get involved

They can do so in a variety of ways; from sharing their experiences via mobile devices or writing them down in a blog post for the charity’s website to co-delivering events in local communities across Scotland during April.

It is hoped activities will encourage civilian peers to make moving to new schools and communities easier, inspire educators and professionals to adapt practice to meet unique support needs, and motivate decision-makers to consult this community in future policymaking.

A competition will also run throughout the month encouraging children from military families to show their creative flair by submitting entries to design a mascot for the charity to feature on its website and resources.


Are you from an armed forces family or know someone who would like to get involved in Forces Children Scotland’s Month of the Military Child Campaign?

Get in touch by clicking the button below.


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A young person from an armed forces family in Helensburgh said:

“It’s so important civilian audiences better understand how life in armed forces family can be different in lots of ways during Month of the Military Child.

“it’s not about being different from other children our age; we simply want more people to know about the positives and challenges we experience as military children and suggest ways they can maybe help.

“I would say children from military families should definitely get involved; it’s a great opportunity.”


Gary Seath, Marketing, Communications and Development Manager for Forces Children Scotland said:

“Month of the Military Child presents a great opportunity for children to share their story in their own words via a variety of media formats.

“As a strengths-based organisation, the lived experience of children from armed forces communities is at the heart of everything we do.

“That’s why we want to encourage children to lead this campaign to help a range of civilian audiences to better understand the lives they lead.

“Getting involved in this campaign is a truly exciting opportunity; it can help to develop new skills, build confidence and inspire positive futures.

“We will provide all the support that is needed to make things happen too, so we warmly encourage military children, or those supporting them in schools or community settings, to get in touch.”

Are you from an armed forces family or know someone who would like to get involved in Forces Children Scotland’s Month of the Military Child Campaign?

Get in touch by clicking the button below.


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