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Forces Youth Forum Members Announced as Finalists

Gary Seath 12 months ago

Forces Life Media

Forces Children Scotland’s Youth Forum members announced as award finalists.


We are delighted to announce that young people from our Youth Forum have been named as finalists for the forthcoming Celebrating Forces Families Awards.

The young people involved will represent Forces Children Scotland at the award ceremony in London in April as finalists in the Advocate of the Year category.


The event celebrates the valued support of military families, and nominations are submitted on behalf of individuals, families, schools, charities, and community groups.

The event acknowledges the resilience demonstrated, the amazing projects that have been undertaken, the many stories of triumph over adversity, and inspiring career paths taken whilst being part of the armed forces community.

Advocate of the Year celebrates work undertaken to support the armed forces publicly and positively.

Forces Children Scotland puts the lived experience of children and young people from armed forces communities at the heart of co-producing its projects, services, and campaigns.

The young people nominated have shared their lived experience, and creativity to deliver impactful projects that served to help civilian peers, educators, and decision-makers to better understand what it is to be a forces child today.

This has included the charity’s Forces Life Board Game and Comic Book, Tornado of Change Videos, its Ruby Boots Peer Support Service, and Your Mind Matters Mental Health and Wellbeing Digital Hub.

Moreover, the young people have also made highly valuable contributions in co-producing the charity’s latest three-year Strategic Plan and Influencing Strategy, which launched late last year.

When asked what the accolade meant, our young people said:

“Being a finalist for this award feels amazing, and truly is an honour” Cadence.

“It feels great to know that we are finalists, it’s really exciting” Evie. “It’s great news, excited to find out who’s the winner” Jaiden.

“I’m very happy that we are finalists and I’m extremely proud of all the work we have done” Sophia.

“It feels lovely, I hope we win!” Rubie.

“I am really happy that the children of the forces have been acknowledged for the part they play in military life and all we do to support each other.” Isabel.

“I feel very proud and excited that we are in the finals and am excited to see what will happen in the future” Gracie.


Nina Collins, Forces Children Scotland’s Children and Young People’s Participation Manager, said:

“I nominated this group in recognition of their contribution to Forces Children Scotland’s work. Their dedication, creativity, and enthusiasm is inspiring and they are an absolute joy to work with in co-producing the charity’s projects, services, and campaigns.”


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