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Accredited CPD Training for Professionals

Gary Seath 5 days ago

Education Support Media
We are committed to ensuring that children and young people from armed forces communities receive the support they need to thrive.

Having listened to the unique experiences faced by this community, we deliver free accredited face-to-face and digital CPD training specifically designed for educators and professionals working with young people from armed forces communities.

The training is tailored to enhance understanding and practice, equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to address specific needs of pupils from military backgrounds. It is aligned to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Getting it Right for Every Child, and Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence.

The training covers various topics, including the impact of mobility and deployment on children’s learning and wellbeing, strategies for fostering resilience, and ways to create an inclusive and supportive setting.

Each training module ensures collaborative learning, where participants bring their professional knowledge and insight into the subject area. Reflective discussion is integrated throughout enabling our professionals to deepen and develop knowledge and understanding.  Throughout our learning sessions, professionals can analyse and carry out enquiry focusing on case studies and lived experience of children and young people.

By attending our free accredited CPD training, educators and professionals can better understand the social, emotional, and academic challenges faced, and receive guidance to implement effective support strategies to meet unique support needs.

Recent feedback from the assessment team at CPD UK stated that our newly created rights module is a very well-crafted learning activity.

“An excellent session plan, great detail, forethought, and preparation. The presentation itself is refreshingly light and airy in its style, uncluttered and concise with a good set of speaker notes… Time set aside for questions and reflection plus prompting for feedback at the end, all make for a very well-crafted learning activity. Poignant and quite moving animations draw into sharp focus this very important, yet often overlooked issue. Well done, we wish you every success with it.”

The training not only raises awareness but empowers schools and wider sectors supporting this community to create a more inclusive environment where all children, regardless of their background, feel understood and supported.

All of which aligns with our strategic vision in ensuring we work together with educators and professionals to make Scotland a place where all children and young people from armed forces communities can realise their potential and thrive.

Judith Blair, our Learning and Development worker, had this to say about our recent professional learning activities:

“Forces Children Scotland is incredibly proud of our newly accredited webinars for educators and professionals. We have received some great feedback from assessors and participants. Our learning sessions create a positive co-learning space where reflection, collaboration, and enquiry are supported, enabling professionals to deepen their knowledge and understanding about children and young people from armed forces families.’

We are excited to continue with the roll out of our webinars this year and are looking forward to exploring other avenues of online learning soon. Please get in touch if you would like to book an in-person session or webinar for your setting”.


For further information, visit our webpage about upcoming webinars for educators and professionals or contact Judith directly at

Learn more about our wider Learning offer for Educators and Professionals.