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Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry Response Regarding Queen Victoria School

Gary Seath 5 months ago


Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry Response Regarding Queen Victoria School

Forces Children Scotland acknowledges the findings published on Tuesday, 22 October 2024, by Lady Smith, Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, regarding the provision of residential care for children at Queen Victoria School.

Lady Smith’s findings include that:

  • Children were physically, emotionally, and sexually abused at Queen Victoria School.
  • The current senior leadership, HM Commissioners, and the MOD now understand that there is no room for complacency given the abuse that has taken place since 2010 despite new child protection systems and policies having been implemented.
  • QVS apologised for the abuse experienced by children who had been entrusted into its care.

In acknowledging the findings, Forces Children Scotland agrees that there is no room for complacency when it comes to the safeguarding of children and young people.,

Forces Children Scotland has supported pupils attending Queen Victoria School since 2019, having listened and responded to a need expressed by pupils, parents and staff for specialist, independent service provision to be put in place.

The charity recognises that the current management and staff at Queen Victoria School are committed to ensuring robust and transparent child protection processes at all levels of the school” and will continue to engage closely with the school to ensure the safeguarding needs of pupils are met.

The safeguarding of children and young people engaging in our projects, services, and campaigns is paramount to Forces Children Scotland. The charity’s safeguarding policy and procedures are reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

Forces Children Scotland delivers the Lighthouse Project, providing pupils with independent support for their mental health and wellbeing. The project provides pupils with opportunities to talk to someone independent about any concerns or worries and proactively promotes a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The charity also delivers a youth forum and wider participation activities to empower this community of pupils to influence decision-making affecting their lives, enhance confidence, communication and leadership skills, and improve wellbeing through peer connection and social connectivity.

In delivering these independent services within the school, Forces Children Scotland has robust children protection and safeguarding policies and procedures in place. Any concern raised by a pupil or staff member is taken seriously and reported to external child protection agencies where appropriate.

Case Study No. 9: Volume 4 outlines the findings in relation to the provision of residential care at Queen Victoria School, Dunblane, between 1951 and 2021. Evidential Hearings were held on 31 March 2021 to 11 November 2021.

Please refer to: Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry | Case Study no. 9: Volume 4 To read the case study’s findings in full.


Max Young and Harvey Tilley (Co-Chairs for Forces Children Scotland)