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Read our latest Impact Report

Gary Seath 5 months ago


Impact Report 2024 Available Now

Download your copy of Forces Children Scotland’s latest impact report.

We are making fantastic progress on our journey to achieving our strategic vision of making Scotland a place where all children and young people from armed forces communities can realise their potential and thrive.

You might be a forces child, a parent or spouse from an armed forces or veteran family. You could be someone supporting this community in schools and community settings or making important decisions on their behalf.

Much has been achieved and there’s lots to celebrate, but we’ve still got further distance to cover in achieving our vision.

Jump onboard, find your seats, and make yourself comfortable.

Download our Impact Report 2024



We have achieved important milestones in realising our vision.

We have reached and supported greater numbers of this community to help build confidence, develop new skills, expand future horizons, and forge new connections. We have made progress in extending our reach by engaging greater numbers of primary school and early years-aged children to understand their unique support and transitional needs too.

We continue to provide professional help in understanding and overcoming mental health and wellbeing challenges through bespoke face-to-face and digital support services. We have amplified the voice and lived experience of children and young people louder than ever through the launch of innovative projects and campaigns to enhance empathy and understanding.

We are now on the radar of greater numbers of policymakers to advocate for meaningful change and greater participation in future influencing and policymaking. Much of what we have achieved this year has served to enhance our evidence base which informs our decision-making and improves service provision.

We have lots of highlights to celebrate from the past year too, including our Scottish Parliament Reception, the launch of our Tornado of Change Campaign and Influencing Strategy, plus so much more.

Download our Impact Report 2024

“Being involved in projects with Forces Children Scotland has given me a sense of purpose – doing something that will eventually make a difference to children and young people like me. So that they don’t have to go through what I did, and they get better support means a lot to me… I think more young people should get involved in the activities I have with Forces Children Scotland, step out of your comfort zone, and get involved – it makes a difference to your confidence!”

Josh, Forces Children Scotland Youth Forum Member.
Download our Impact Report 2024
Find out more about what lies ahead on our journey.

We preview exciting, upcoming projects including our digital deployment pack resources, forces-specific Talking Mat Communication Tool, and the launch of our Children’s Rights Report responding to the incorporation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child into Scots Law.

“Our Impact Report shows the real difference we have made in beneficiaries’ lives, while also continuing to develop our plans for the future. This will be used in the creation of our new strategy in 2024/25 to carry us forward.

The impact achieved is testimony to the passion and commitment of our amazing staff and Trustees and, of course, the incredible children and young people who worked alongside us on multiple projects, and who will always remain the reason our charity exists.

We, the Co-Chairs of this incredible organisation, commend this Impact Report and look forward to working in partnership with everyone to continue our work improving the lives young people.”

Harvey Tilley and Max Young, Forces Children Scotland Co-Chairs.
Download our Impact Report 2024