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New Vacancy | Youth Participation Worker

Gary Seath 12 months ago

Media Participation

Want to help children and young people from armed forces communities to realise their potential and thrive?

Deliver life-changing experiences to develop new skills, build confidence, and forge friendships through a sense of belonging, shared experiences, and collective purpose.

Co-produce impactful projects, services, and campaigns that amplify lived experience, transform attitudes, and lead toward meaningful change in local communities in the West of Scotland and for over 12,500 peers across Scotland.

Establish and maintain a network of youth forums in Helensburgh, West Dunbartonshire, and Lomond. Promote active involvement to reach and support greater numbers from early learning settings and with additional support needs (ASN).


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Some of the essentials we are looking for in candidates

A relevant qualification, to a minimum standard of HNC/SVQ 3 (SCQF level 7) in a discipline related to working with children and young people, or equivalent work experience.

Ideally, you will have experience working with children in Early Years settings.

You will also need a minimum of two years’ experience working in youth work, community, or education settings, as well as demonstrate knowledge of co-production, child protection, participatory decision-making, and much more.


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Application details

If this vacancy sounds interesting and you feel this might be for you, please contact Nina Collins, our Children and Young People’s Participation Manager for an informal conversation: 


Please complete and submit your Application Form and Regulated Work Declaration forms as part of the selection process by 5pm on Friday 03 May 2024.

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