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Forces children’s charity launches big give double donation mission.

Gary Seath 9 months ago

Fundraising Media

Forces children’s charity launches big give double donation mission.

Forces Children Scotland aims to raise £5000 through a Big Give Kind2Mind campaign, with every donation counting double.

Donations made over the two weeks (14-28 May 2024), via the Big Give platform, will be matched by their Charity Champions to make double the difference.

The charity is raising funds through the match funding campaign to support the delivery of its Your Minds Matter face-to-face and digital mental health and wellbeing services.

Services are co-produced with children from armed forces communities to deliver bespoke support to meet the unique support needs of 13,000 of their peers across Scotland.

Forces Children Scotland Chief Executive Officer, Laura Falconer, said:

“Children from armed forces communities can face many unique challenges to their mental health and wellbeing. From parental deployment, making regular moves to disrupted education, friendships, aspirations, and much more.

“We understand many families face significant financial pressures at the moment. Match-funding campaigns, through the Big Give, provide a wonderful opportunity to donate whatever you can to double the difference and indeed, kindness.

“Please consider joining our force for good in helping to meet the unique mental health and wellbeing support needs of over 13,000 children from armed forces communities across Scotland so that they can realise their potential and thrive.”

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Editors Notes

Donations can be made via Forces Children Scotland’s Big Give digital platform: Your Mind Matters (

For more information please contact Gary Seath, Marketing, Communications, and Development Manager (


The Big Give runs match-funded campaigns for charities and special causes. It’s a simple idea – when the public donates to a charity through a Big Give campaign, it asks funders to match that donation.

So £50 from a member of the public becomes £100 for a good cause. By connecting charities to match funders (like philanthropists, foundations, or corporates) and the public, Big Give helps them double their donations. And, in doing so, makes an extraordinary difference to the world’s biggest challenges. It has raised more than £280m for charities to date.

Big Give campaigns have been promoted by celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio, Emilia Fox, Dame Judi Dench and Stephen Fry, among others.

About Forces Children Scotland

We support over 13,000 children and young people from armed forces communities across Scotland to realise their potential and thrive.

This is achieved through the delivery of mental health & wellbeing, youth participation, family support, education & learning and policy services to meet their unique support needs.

Moreover, we assist educators, professionals, and decision-makers to enhance their understanding and practice to meet the unique support needs of this community.

We put the lived experience of children and young people from this community at the heart of everything we do, who work directly with our team to co-produce our projects, services, and campaigns to ensure we collaborate as a collective force for good to achieve our vision of making Scotland a place where all children & young people from armed forces communities can realise their potential and thrive.