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Funding boost supports forces families across Scotland

Gary Seath 2 weeks ago

Family Support Media
Funding from the Scottish Children’s Lottery has assisted Forces Children Scotland to provide vital financial assistance to armed forces and veteran families across Scotland.


The cost of living has risen in the UK and across the world since 2022.

Food and energy prices rose markedly, particularly gas prices, partly in response to the conflict in Ukraine. Global recovery from the pandemic put further pressure on prices.

According to a survey conducted by the Office of National Statistics, around 4 in 10 adults (41%) who pay energy bills said it was very or somewhat difficult to afford them.

The survey also revealed that 44% of adults in Great Britain are using less fuel, such as gas or electricity, in their homes because of the rising cost of living.

Recent Scottish poverty stats support these findings, showing an estimated 21% of Scotland’s population (1,110,000 people each year) living in relative poverty after housing costs.

Moreover, using a three-year average, the Scottish poverty stats indicate the rate of child poverty is estimated to be 24% evidencing a year-on-year rise during that period.

In response to the data collected, the Scottish Government has set a target of reducing the child poverty figure to 10% by 2030.

Responding to these challenges, armed forces and veteran families were supported to cover essential living costs, clothing, bedding, and much more to alleviate significant financial burden and emotional stress.

The support provided has helped armed forces and veteran families to overcome challenges associated with debt, family breakdown, special educational needs, mental and physical health issues, unemployment and homelessness to meet many of life’s essentials during the past year.

Having listened to families, we know financial stress can stem from an inability to meet basic needs, at times compounded by unique factors associated with forces life. It is clear the support provided has provided immediate relief, reducing the burden of making ends meet, and helping individuals feel more financially secure.

Funding has also been used to support children and young people from armed forces and veteran families in overcoming financial barriers to participating in after school activities, to pursue extra-curricular passions, and we have continued to support young carers and students to enhance independence, pursue bright, positive futures.

Chloe Gillespie, Finance and Grants Manager at Forces Children Scotland, said:

“The immediate financial support provided to families made a tangible impact, allowing them to cover essential expenses like bills and the ability to buy clothing, shoes and bedding.

Enabling children to participate in activities such as school trips and after school activities. It also eased the burden of purchasing necessary items, like a laptop for a student, and opened opportunities for young people to attend college by covering costs like train fare and living expenses.”

Scott Millar, Head of Charity Operations at Scottish Children’s Lottery, said:

“At the Scottish Children’s Lottery, we are proud to support Forces Children Scotland in their efforts to provide financial assistance to armed forces and veteran families. The rising cost of living has placed additional pressures on many families, and through our funding, we are helping to ensure that these families can meet essential living costs.

By alleviating financial burdens, we are also helping children and young people access opportunities and support that can improve their well-being and prospects. It is rewarding to see the positive impact our funding is making in their lives, helping them to overcome challenges and thrive despite the difficulties they face.”


We wish to thank the Scottish Children’s Lottery for their generous support.