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Month of the military child

Month of the Military Child 2025

This year, Forces Children Scotland is proudly focusing on strengths for Month of the Military Child, celebrating the remarkable positivity, bravery, courage and adaptability that they show every day.

Throughout the year, we’ve been privileged to hear young people share their powerful strength stories through our participation work, Rights Report and our various residentials.

We’re particularly excited to be launching our newly co-produced Rights Charter specifically designed to support forces children to achieve their full potential. This charter represents our commitment to recognising not just the challenges these children face, but the extraordinary strengths they develop as a result of their unique experiences.

Their voices and stories have also inspired us to create engaging resources for education practitioners, including a complete assembly pack with accompanying resources linked to Curriculum for Excellence.

Keep an eye on our Social Media channels for some exciting guests who will be sharing their thoughts about the strengths of armed forces children. It’s going to be a fantastic month!

What are we asking you to do

Celebrate the unique strengths and experiences of forces life that builds a unique sense of confidence, purpose and identity.

Learn more about specific challenges faced when it comes to things like education and learning, mental health and wellbeing, and much more.

Enhance understanding and empathy about what it’s like to be a baby, child or young person from a forces family to better meet their unique support needs.

Signpost children and young people from armed forces communities to Forces Children Scotland to ensure their voices and experiences are heard and understood by decision-makers and the wider community.

We have more fantastic content coming up for April 2025.

Want to know more about our plans? Get in touch!

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Download our Month of the Military Child Assembly Pack

Do you work directly with armed forces children or want to help pupils better understand the strengths and lived experiences of armed forces children?

Our MOTMC Assembly Pack includes an assembly planner linked to Curriculum for Excellence for Primary School Pupils as well as printable resources to use with children and young people. All files are in PDF format.

MOTMC Assembly Planner MOTMC Assembly Presentation Strength Cards Strengths Paperchain Colouring page, bunting and wordsearch

The Deployment Rollercoaster

One of the strengths forces children show every day is bravery, particularly when they have a parent deployed. Our Co-Produced, interactive Deployment Rollercoaster Resource can now be accessed by children and young people to help support them with deployment.

Take a ride on the Deployment Rollercoaster

What’s life like for a baby, child or young person from a forces family?

Babies, children and young people from forces families grow up in communities built on a strong sense of belonging.

Learn more about life as a young person from the forces community from pupils from Hermitage Academy.

Download our Month of the Military Child assembly pack to learn more
Download now

Boarding School Experience

Some parents will enroll their children at boarding school to avoid disrupting their studies due to postings across the UK and overseas.

Queen Victoria School is a boarding school for pupils who have parents serving in the British Armed Forces in Dunblane.

Download our Month of the Military Child assembly pack to learn more
Download now

What friends, teachers and decision-makers should know

To truly support children and young people from armed forces families, it’s important to listen to and understand their lived experiences.

We asked students from Hermitage Academy what they thought people should know to give them the help they need.

Download our Month of the Military Child assembly pack to learn more
Download now

Working with Forces Children Scotland

We worked with pupils from Queen Victoria School to co-produce a podcast series.

Listen to what the pupils involved had to say regarding how the process helped to build confidence, develop new skills and expand horizons.

The podcast series is available to watch now.
Watch podcasts

What’s life like for a military child for primary kids

Military children grow up in communities built on a strong sense of belonging.

Learn more about life as a military child in the early years from Colinton Primary School pupils.

Download our Month of the Military Child assembly pack to learn more
Download now

Further Short Videos

Listen more the voice of children and young people from armed forces communities across Scotland.

We have short videos covering weekending, being the new kid, postings, making friends and much more.

Missing Parents

Mya describes how challenging it can prove when you don’t see your parents for any given period of time.



Keira describes using ‘Family Grams’ to reach out to her parent when deployed on submarines.

Being the New Kid

Eva describes how it feels to be ‘The New Kid’ regarding moving around the United Kingdom and overseas in an armed forces family.


Mica describes how she used to cope when her dad used to go on deployment when she was much younger.


Josh will begin his acting studies later this year, so we asked him to describe a script for Month of the Military Child.