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Coproduction of influencing strategy gathers pace

Gary Seath 2 years ago

Influencing Policy

Young people are working with Forces Children Scotland to co-produce our first ever influencing strategy.

Six young people from armed forces and veteran families completed their second residential weekend with the charity last month as part of the working group driving the co-production process forward.

Why we are co-producing an influencing strategy

The charity has launched the project having listened to young people, who feel seldom heard and that their unique experiences, and how this can impact on their ability to realise potential and thrive, are not on the radar of decision makers.

The strategy is about amplifying the lived experience of young people from armed forces and veteran families louder than ever before and to encourage decision makers to listen to their voice when it comes to future policy making.

Coproduction at the heart of everything we do

You might already know that Forces Children Scotland is committed to embedding lived experience of young people at the heart of developing its projects, services and campaigns, via a process of co-production, called Combined Force.

No matter what we do, young people are encouraged to join our team, trustees and creative partners to make amazing things happen. 

The co-production journey so far

Activities began back in November when the working group met for the first time to get the discussion started. Since then, the group has continued to work together online, and through two residential weekends in Aviemore.

The group worked together to creatively explore several challenges faced by young people from armed forces and veteran families, when it comes to topics like mental health and wellbeing, education and learning, and much more.