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Big Give Kind2Mind Match-Funding Campaign

We’re on an important mission!

Our mission is to raise £5000.00 through the Big Give Kind2Mind match funding campaign.

Kindness starts small. Whether it’s a smile or a kind word, every little bit counts in making a big difference in someone’s life.

How does it work? Donate through our campaign page on – If you donate, your donation is doubled to help make your kindness go twice as far.

Together, let’s support children from armed forces communities to overcome unique mental health and wellbeing challenges. Join our #ForceForGood.


Donations open from 12pm on 14 May 2024.

We all continue to face financial challenging situations at the moment.

Match funding means that whatever you can donate means double the kindness.

Our campaign runs from 14-28 May 2024.

Donate now



Watch the campaign video.

Here’s a short video about why the campaign is so important.

Help us meet the unique mental health and wellbeing needs of children from armed forces communities.

Donations open from 12pm on 14 May 2024.

Donate now


Donating is quick and straight-forward.

Most importantly, donations must be made through our Kind²Mind campaign page on

From there, donate whatever you can which is matched to make your kindness go twice as far. That means Double the Difference.

So, when you donate £5 it becomes £10, £20 becomes £40 and so on.


Donations open from 12pm on 14 May-28 May 2024.

We all continue to face financial challenging situations at the moment.

Match funding means that whatever you can donate means double the kindness.

Donate now


Listen to Lotty

Parental deployment is something that can affect mental health and wellbeing.

In this videoclip, Lotty describes some of the realities for her when it comes to deployment.

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Small acts of kindness go a long way

Match-giving means double the kindness.

How your donation will help:

  • Delivery of vital one-to-one and peer support services in primary and secondary schools in the West of Scotland. We have big plans to expand our services in other areas, so whatever you can donate will make a huge difference.
  • Working directly with children and young people to co-produce downloadable mental health and wellbeing resources. These resources will be available for over 13,000 of their peer across Scotland via our Your Mind Matters Digital Hub


A little more about forces life

There are many positives of life in a forces family.

There are many unique challenges too.

From the anxiety and uncertainty of parental deployment, family separation to taking on greater responsibilities around the home or caring for a loved one.

Many experience regular moves around the United Kingdom and overseas, which disrupts education and learning, friendships, routines and much more too.

That’s simply the tip of the iceberg – Many feel powerless in the face of change, isolated, lost and alone in new places, as well as anxious about what may lie ahead.


Donations open from 12pm on 14 May-28 May 2024.

Donate now

Further Short Videos

Listen more the voice of children and young people from armed forces communities.

Watch our further short videos covering further topics that can affect mental health and wellbeing.


Missing Parents

Mya describes how challenging it can prove when you don’t see your parents for any given period of time.



Keira describes using ‘Family Grams’ to reach out to her parent when deployed on submarines.

Being the New Kid

Eva describes how it feels to be ‘The New Kid’ regarding moving around the United Kingdom and overseas in an armed forces family.


Mica describes how she used to cope when her dad used to go on deployment when she was much younger.


Josh will begin his acting studies later this year, so we asked him to describe a script for Month of the Military Child.

About the Big Give

The Big Give runs match-funded campaigns for charities and special causes.

It’s a simple idea – when the public donates to a charity through a Big Give campaign, it asks funders to match that donation.

So £50 from a member of the public becomes £100 for a good cause. By connecting charities to match funders (like philanthropists, foundations, or corporates) and the public, Big Give helps them double their donations.

And, in doing so, makes an extraordinary difference to the world’s biggest challenges. It has raised more than £280m for charities to date.

Big Give campaigns have been promoted by celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio, Emilia Fox, Dame Judi Dench and Stephen Fry, among others.

Kind²Mind supports charities offering valuable services to address, prevent, research, treat, campaign and raise awareness about mental health as part of their work.

Donations will help children and young people from armed forces communities overcome unique challenges to mental health and wellbeing.

Donations open on 14 May 2024.

We all continue to face financially challenging situations at the moment.

Match funding means that whatever you can donate means double the kindness.

Donate now