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Big Give Kind2Mind Match-Funding Campaign – May 2024

Tuesday 14th, May 2024 - Tuesday 28th, May 2024
Challenge Events

We’re on an important mission!

Our mission is to raise £5000.00 through the Big Give Kind2Mind match funding campaign.

Kindness starts small. Whether it’s a smile or a kind word, every little bit counts in making a big difference in someone’s life.

How does it work? Donate through our campaign page on – If you donate, your donation is doubled to help make your kindness go twice as far.

Together, let’s support children from armed forces communities to overcome unique mental health and wellbeing challenges. Join our #ForceForGood.


Donations open from 12pm on 14 May 2024.

We all continue to face financial challenging situations at the moment.

Match funding means that whatever you can donate means double the kindness.

Our campaign runs from 14-28 May 2024.

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Your Mind Matters project

Your donation helps us support children and young people from armed forces families across Scotland.

Forces Children Scotland’s Your Mind Matters project offers one-to-one support and group projects at Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh. We spoke to pupils who have worked with us to find out how getting involved has helped them build confidence, communicate better and make new friends.

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Come and see us

We’re going to be at Braehead Shopping Centre on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024.

Pop along and see us to find out more about our work with children and young people from armed forces families across Scotland.

Better still, make a donation and double your kindness in support of our Big Give match-funding campaign.

The military child experience

Being the child of a serving parent can bring positive and negative experiences. We spoke to some pupils at Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh about the best and worst things about being a military child.

Listening to young people helps us develop suitable projects to support them better.

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