Work through our digital continual professional learning (cpd) resource for educators and professionals below to better understand the unique experiences of children and young people from the armed forces community and how to adapt your practice to meet their unique support needs.
Scroll down to find our PLA modules which you can complete in your own time. We have recorded a series of podcasts to provide a little background information too.
We visit schools across Scotland to deliver presentations and short-courses to help senior leadership, teachers and wider staff to develop effective strategies to help children and young people from this community overcome unique challenges when it comes to education and learning.
We co-produced a board game and comic with young people from armed forces and veteran families to help educators and professionals better understand the lives they lead.
We have produced our Forces Life Board Game and Comic Book, thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and ABF: The Soldier’s Charity.
This is a free resource available to schools – order now while stocks last.
Learn more