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Ruby Boots – educators and professionals

Do you support children and young people from armed forces and veteran families?

When a parent decides to leave the armed forces, it means big changes for their children too.

It can mean feeling lost and alone in a new place, powerless in the face of change or anxious about what lies ahead.

We help young people to make big changes when a parent leaves the armed forces, by providing peer buddy mentors to help welcome them into their new lives.


Are you a teacher or education professional?

For some making this change, it will involve moving to a new school which means new teachers, classmates and surroundings.

It might also mean changes to exam curriculum, subjects, and much more.


Do you work in the community?

For some making this change, it will mean moving to a new community.

This will mean making new friends, joining new sports clubs, other activities and much more.


Find out how you can help.

Let’s get you started!

Simply fill in your details below and a member of our Ruby Boots Team will get in touch to find out how you can help.


Ruby Boots is funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.

Learn more about Ruby Boots

Katy is our Ruby Boots Coordinator, who talks about how Forces Children Scotland has turned an idea generated by young people into a new service, why it is needed and how it will support young people who have parents leaving the armed forces in Fife.

Other ways that you can help.

Help spread the word

Download our poster to share on noticeboards around schools and community settings or hand a copy to young people and parents from armed forces and veteran backgrounds.

Ruby Boots Poster 1 Ruby Boots Poster 2

Become an Adult Facilitator

We’re looking for volunteer Adult Facilitators. You don’t need to come from an armed forces or veteran family background – training is provided.

Let’s get you started!

Simply fill in your details below and a member of our Ruby Boots Team will get in touch to find out a little more about you and to talk you through the process.

Step 1: Register your interest

It all starts with completing the referral form below to let us know that you’re interested in getting involved in Ruby Boots.

Step Two: A Quick Chat

Chat with Katy to learn more about the process and how we will support you to get involved. We’ll also want to learn a little more about you and talk about your hobbies, interests, and what sort of things you look for in a friend.

Step Three: PVG check and training

We’ll run a PVG check and provide three sessions of online training, followed by voluntary ongoing training once a month afterwards, delivered by our Learning and Development Officer.

Step Four: Matching

We’ll take the information you provided to match you up with either someone who has a parent leaving the armed forces or someone who has already made the change to civilian life, as well as meet an adult volunteer facilitator.

Step Five: Weekly Meetings

You will then have weekly meetings with your buddy and volunteer facilitator where you can meet and do whatever works for you. We hope these meetings are fun for all involved where you can take part in lots of fun-based activities.

Step Six: Quick Review

After six months, we’ll get together to review how things have gone for you. You may choose to continue weekly meetings, leave the programme, train to become a buddy mentor or match with someone else. You’re in control.

Let’s get you started!

Simply fill in your details below and a member of our Ruby Boots Team will get in touch to find out a little more about you and to talk you through the process.