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Financial Readiness Quiz

Want to see how good your financial knowledge is? Take our quiz below to find out how ready you are!

Median – middle value. The number that is in the middle of the dataset.

Average – the value that best represents the data set.

Gross salary – the total salary before tax, national insurance or any other deductions are made from your pay.

    1. What is the median cost of a house in Scotland?
    2. What is the average rent in Scotland?
    3. Average wait for a council house in Moray?
    4. What is the median Gross annual salary in Scotland?
    5. How many months of an emergency fund should I have?
    6. What is the average monthly cost of phone and superfast fibre connection (broadband)?
    7. Average weekly food shopping costs for a family of four?
    8. Do I know what my Armed Forces Pension equates to annually?
    9. Do I know where all my money goes each month?
    10. What is the average monthly cost of gas and electricity for a 3-bedroom house in the UK?
    11. Are you confident you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to? If not, we would encourage you to reach out to your local Citizens Advice Bureau and ask about the Armed Services Advice Project?
    12. Do you know about the Armed Forces Covenant Duty?